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Why Beautiful Babysitter has to be the Cult Queen!!

The Babysitter: Killer Queen

A Netflix movie

Directed by McG

Based on the characters by Brian Duffield

Not only me every single kid always wanted or want to have a babysitter like the one in the movie but we were not that lucky like Cole.

Let me just dive into the scenes

So hereafter 2 years still Cole (main lead) is having a strange dream where he encounters all the members of the satanic cult that he fought in the first movie. But his parents are having some issue with trusting the story and considers the story just as a bad dream or he’s going mad and they even start taking appointments with the psychiatrist. There’s this girl (Kind of the main villain) who believes the story because she was there too with him while he was fighting the cult in the first. One day Melanie invites Cole to join her a beach party without letting parents know their whereabouts, so at a boat while partying all of the cult members come to live unexpectedly though Cole was getting the hint from the arrival of a new girl Phoebe whom he took as a cult member she wasn’t. The movie brings out some good humor with all characters but especially when King Bach gets introduced with his whining here and there during different scenes. The same cult scene has been repeated where they need Cole’s purified blood for some immortality stuff but this time he wasn’t innocent (virgin) anymore because of a romantic scene with Phoebe, altogether their plan backfires and by the end, we get to know Cult Queen is none other than his Babysitter from the first movie, and she was phoebe’s babysitter too.

the movie is a one-time watch with good comedy scenes but a person/kid with hemophobia can’t watch it without consulting an adult because the movie does have scenes with graphical scenes.


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